Category Archives: Pet Health

Unleash Inner Zen: Top Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety (and CALM DOGS to the Rescue!)

A split-screen image of the same dog showcasing contrasting emotions: on the left, the dog exhibits signs of fear with ears flat and wide, frightened eyes; on the right, the same dog appears happy and relaxed, mouth open in a panting smile with bright, joyful eyes.

Conquering Dog Anxiety: Natural Remedies for a Happy, Less-Stressed Pup Does your furry friend have dog anxiety turn into a frantic furball at the sound of thunder, the sight of fireworks, or even a simple trip to the vet? You’re not alone. Dog anxiety is a common issue, affecting up to 14% of our canine […]

Understanding Canine Anxiety: The Role of Genetics in Dog Behavior

Dog Anxiety and Genetics

Is Your Dog’s Anxiety Genetic? Unraveling the Hereditary Factors That Influence Canine Anxiety Introduction If you’ve ever watched your dog pace nervously before a thunderstorm, destroy pillows when left alone, or cower at the sight of a stranger, you’ve encountered the baffling and sometimes heartbreaking world of canine anxiety. The furrowed brows and tucked tails […]