Category Archives: Dog Health and Wellness

Unleash Inner Zen: Top Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety (and CALM DOGS to the Rescue!)

A split-screen image of the same dog showcasing contrasting emotions: on the left, the dog exhibits signs of fear with ears flat and wide, frightened eyes; on the right, the same dog appears happy and relaxed, mouth open in a panting smile with bright, joyful eyes.

Conquering Dog Anxiety: Natural Remedies for a Happy, Less-Stressed Pup Does your furry friend have dog anxiety turn into a frantic furball at the sound of thunder, the sight of fireworks, or even a simple trip to the vet? You’re not alone. Dog anxiety is a common issue, affecting up to 14% of our canine […]

Understanding Dog Anxiety: 10 Types You Need to Know – A Comprehensive Guide

Dog sitting alone representing various types of canine anxieties

Understanding Dog Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide to 10 Types  If you’ve got a pup at home or you’re a seasoned pro in the canine behavior field, you’ve probably encountered a doggo that seems a bit… well, anxious. Believe it or not, our four-legged friends can get stressed out just like us humans! So, let’s break […]